Art is a nuclear part of her work, the DNA in her professional path, as her individual, collective and cultural identity.
Luz's skills and experience make her a valuable asset to any team. She is a creative and innovative thinker with a strong attention to detail. She is also a highly skilled communicator and collaborator.
Tax Compliance, SII Inspections, Tax Audits, extensive experience in legal representations and relationship with government entities, as banking institutions. EDUCATION: Public Accountant and Auditor from the University of Santiago de Chile (USACH) (2001) Diploma in International Accounting IFRS from the Uni versity of Chile (2005)
Diploma in Tax Management from the Adolfo Ibáñez University (2015) Law student at the University of the Americas (Current)
Here are some additional details about the person's qualifications: Doctor of Legal Sciences degree from a prestigious university Extensive experience working in a variety of industries Specialized in commercial corporate law Holds several diplomas in tax management and IFRS EXPERIENCE: Public Accountant and Auditor (USACH), with more than 23 years of experience dedicated to Administra tion, Finance, Accounting and Taxes. Has developed his profession in important national and international companies, in the areas of mining, retail, oil and gas, food industry and written and au diovisual media. He has vast experience in IFRS Standards, Financial Statement Issuance, Audits and Management Control,